Where is your service area?

I am located in southeast Edmonton, but am willing to travel throughout the greater Edmonton area, including Beaumont, Sherwood Park, and Tofield. I will support a birth in a hospital, a birth centre, or at home, under the care of a medical professional.

My husband is worried there will be no place for him if we hire a doula!

I can understand his concern! But, my goal will never be to replace the support system you already have in place, but to enhance it. Maybe my role will be to show him how to provide physical comfort measures in labour. Maybe I'll support him as he supports you. Maybe I can offer some conversation starters for the two of you to discuss together to develop a postpartum plan. The possibilities are endless, but I would love to work with the support system you already have in place.

What is your birth philosophy?

I am passionate about providing a birth environment conducive to empowered decision making and informed consent. I strive to provide evidence based resources and education. It truly takes a village, and I want to work in harmony to enhance the support you already have in your life.

You talk a lot about what you do, but what don't you do?

Great question! While I will care for your baby while you nap, or do light housekeeping or assist with meal prep, I am not a nanny, a housekeeper, or a chef. I will wash your dishes, but I won't spring clean your linen closet. I will help meal prep, but I won't cook you a 4 course gourmet meal. I will care for baby while you shower, but I won't drive your older kids to soccer practice.

If you're confused, simply ask! I don't offend easy, and I know sometimes the roles of doulas can be novel and a little confusing. I believe in clear, open communication, so ask away!